
Garden Day is committed to supporting children and their families. Our small, homelike preschool program emphasizes the relationships children have with themselves, their families, and the larger world. It’s a place for them to learn and practice friendship, empathy, compassion, responsibility, and other important elements of being a human being in community.

Young children thrive when they feel cherished and safe, and when they are allowed to develop and grow according to their own internal map. The teachers and the indoor and outdoor environments at Garden Day encourage exploration, self-direction, and collaboration.

The materials and activities in the classroom provide the backdrop to the real curriculum at Garden Day: How do we have conversations? How do we be mad at someone we love? How do we give consent? How do we listen? How do we use our big voice when we need to? How do we do it by ourselves? How do we do it together?

In addition to the play that is our work, our curriculum includes weekly classes with classroom and guest teachers in music, dance, and yoga.

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